Recipes for success in the Punjabi Women’s Kitchen

Trishna Singh outside the new cafe at 122-4 Leith Walk [pictures Nick Gardner]

You can’t miss the Punjabi Women’s Kitchen. Sandwiched between fast food outlets in multicultural Leith Walk, the bright orange shop front promises home made traditional Punjab cuisine. Above the door a sign declares nothing less than empowerment for women. Continue reading “Recipes for success in the Punjabi Women’s Kitchen”

Speaking out against hate crime

L&B Police event 09

Here’s a chance to make a difference.  Muslim women are increasingly the victims of hidden crimes of hate – verbal threats and words of abuse hurled in public places – but the crimes are rarely reported for fear of making things worse.  That is why the very enterprising charity, Amina-MWRC, is inviting police and women to meet, talk and strengthen a network of support, at a Women’s Hate Crime event in Edinburgh on Wednesday 9 December. [To register email:] Continue reading “Speaking out against hate crime”