The Forgotten Pioneers: Disability History Month 2017

The marchers were blind men from sheltered workshops and trade union councils. They wanted pensions and workers’ rights; “Justice not charity” was their motto.

Justice not charity…the words ring with significance in our troubled time.  With their characteristic pioneering energy, Disability History Scotland invite us to discover and celebrate the Scots involved in The Forgotten Peoples March, on Saturday 2 December. Over to DHS to explain the background to this timely event for Disability History Month 2017.  Continue reading “The Forgotten Pioneers: Disability History Month 2017”

One Last Push: the final battle of WW1?

What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?  Wilfred Owen

A copy of Wilfred Owen’s discharge letter is among many treasures in the Memory Box. It’s not exactly poetry but that letter brought the poet from a medical centre in Wales to Craiglockhart Hospital in Edinburgh where he met Siegfried Sassoon in 1917.  With such tangible stuff is history told – and retold through the extraordinary work of Disability History Scotland. Continue reading “One Last Push: the final battle of WW1?”